Kamis, Desember 24, 2009

The meaning of working for fresh graduate

What the meaning of working for me?  Its question for me after I finished on master degree program at College business administration Gadjah Mada University in the middle 2004 years. If I asked my friends, what are the meaning works for you? Sometimes nobodies could exactly answer this question. Why? I thought it’s a personal question, no easy to answer.
There are several questions always asking in my mind about the meaning of work before. First, where I will be working after graduated? What kind of jobs good for me? How much salary will be acquired? Yah, these are commonly asking for fresh graduated like me.
Salary sometime it’s a second priority for them, because they need experience for the first. Working at the big corporation is preferred, because it can be made prestigious. Mostly people in the fist time they work assume, was it a good job for me? Was it providing challenge to develop my personality and my attitude? Was it job giving me self satisfaction? The important, was the management company had big opportunity for reach the top management?
I observed several fresh graduates who start to looking a new job at the 2nd year. If they felt boring and no challenge again at the work place, they would be quit and move another carrier. Some time different industry and corporation.
Many fresh graduates would be move if they are offered a new job give a new challenge and higher salary and responsibility. No loyalty for them, the important are a good situation and more advantages for them. In my country people always moving the place work is called “kutu loncat”, if translate in English is “jump bug”.
The concept of working maybe has different meaning for people whom married and having family. The most consideration for where they work is their family. The women always preference working a near at home, especially if she having a baby.  The woman should be carrying their baby and give more time than responsibility at the work places.
How about the man value about working? Sometimes no many considerations about where he should working.  Because, as a leader for the family, the important for they, the companies give enough money for his family. The companies give assurance for the future especially for their child, health and good accommodation likes houses, vehicle, education for their child, and retired insurance.
Its just share about working, so many different opinion about it, depends the mans values and culture. How about you?
from me: Andi Nur Bau Massepe
Diliman City, Manila 2009

Minggu, Januari 11, 2009

Intramuros Kota Sejarah di Manila

Hari minggu di Manila, tanggal 11 Januari sebelum balik ke tanah air. Saya menyempatkan diri jalan di sudut kota manila. 

Melihat keindahan Intramuros. Saya rasa tidak berbeda jauh dengan Indonesia, Di Filipina yang beribukota Manila memiliki kawasan atau tempat-tempat bersejarah. 

Saya beruntung bisa berkunjung ke Intramuros. Disana pemandangannya sebagian besar bentuk peninggalan sejarah dari negara Spanyol. Lihat saja  berupa gedung-gedung, yang menjadi warisan tersebut berarsitektur khas Spanyol. 

Dengan naik bendi atau kalesa (bahasa tagalog-red), ditemani pak kusir yang berbahasa Inggris atau Taglis, 

(saya ingat sewaktu masih kuliah di Jogja dulu tahun 1997-2004) Mereka pandai menjelaskan tentang sejarah dari kota ini. 

Suasananya pun sebenarnya mirip kalau berkunjung di kraton Ngajogjakarto. 

Di Intramuros kita dapat melihat berbagai bangunan kuno peninggalan Spanyol. Beberapa tempat terkenal seperti Fort Santiago, City Plaza, Casa Manila yang merupakan rumah tertua, hingga San Agustin Church yang telah masuk Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO.

Saya cuman kagum betapa pemerintah disin merawat dengan baik segala yang ada dikota itu. Terlihat bersih, aman dan nyaman.